Born and raised on the Santo Domingo Pueblo Reservation in New Mexico, Ed created jewelry for over 40 years. Ed was one of the few artists continuing the art of hand-pulled necklaces. Making these tiny silver beads by hand is time consuming and exacting, taking an infinite amount of patience and precision. Ed studied silversmithing at boarding school in Santa Fe. Like many others from the Pueblo, Ed worked as a hot shot firefighter during the summers. Before he could finish high school, his father was injured and unable to work. To support his mother, three sisters and two brothers, Ed quit school and went to work. In the 1960s, after watching his uncle “pull silver” into tubular beads for chains (also known as extruded silver), Ed decided to make jewelry. He taught himself how to make these beautiful pulled silver beads — stringing them much the same as his mother had strung her hand cut stone and shell beads years before. His wife Mary used to help him with the stringing of the beads. Ed passed away in 2006 and he is greatly missed.
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