- Abraham Begay
- Al Nez
- Alex Sanchez
- Alton Bedonie
- Alvin Tso
- Andy Lee Kirk
- Ben Nighthorse Campbell
- Boyd Tsosie
- Brian Clark
- Bruce Hodgins
- Carl and Irene Clark
- Carl Luthy
- Charles Loloma
- Charles Supplee
- Cheyenne Harris
- Chris Pruitt
- Clendon Pete
- Curtis Pete
- Dan Simplicio
- Darryl Dean Begay
- Delbert Vandever
- Don Supplee
- Duane Maktima
- Edison Cummings
- Fritz Casuse
- Gail Bird and Yazzie Johnson
- Gibson Nez
- Harry Morgan
- Harvey Begay
- Howard Nelson
- James Little
- Jared Chavez
- Jennifer Curtis
- Jesse Monongya
- Jesse Robbins
- Joe and Angie Reano
- Joe Piaso Jr.
- Johnathan Nez
- Kee Yazzie
- Larry Golsh
- Larry Vasquez
- Lee Yazzie
- Lester Jackson
- Lyndon Tsosie
- Manuel Hoyungwa
- Marco Begaye
- Mary Casuse
- Mary Marie Lincoln
- Mary Tom
- Mary Yazzie
- Michael Perry
- Michael Roanhorse
- Na Na Ping
- Nelson Begay
- Olin Tsingine
- Perry Shorty
- Phil Poseyesva
- Preston Monongye
- Ray Tracey
- Ric Charlie
- Richard Chavez
- Richard Henry Yazzie
- Richard Tsosie
- Robert and Darryl Dean Begay
- Roderick Tenorio
- Ron Bedonie
- Roy Talahaftewa
- Sherian Honhongva
- Sonwai
- Steve LaRance
- Sunshine Reeves
- Tammy Garcia
- Thomas Jim
- Tom Eneas
- Tommy Jackson
- Vernon Begaye
- Vernon Haskie
- Vicoria Adams
- Waddell Gallery
- Wes Willie