Sherian Honhongva is a Hopi Indian of the Badger clan and lives near Hotevilla. She learned silversmithing from her uncle, the well-known Charles Loloma. Sherian began working with Charles and her older sister, Verma in 1976. She started by learning to cut stones to be inlaid into jewelry. When Charles retired, Sherian remained working with her sister under the name Sonwai. In 1993, they decided to begin working independently of each other. Sherian’s jewelry is now stamped with her own name. Her work definitely reflects years of working with Loloma in his studio. She credits both Charles and Verma with her success. She has since been the featured artist in shows at the Department of Interior, Indian Craft Shop in Washington DC, and at the Eiteljorge Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her work is featured in Southwestern Indian Jewelry by Dexter Cirillo, Hopi Jewelry, and Art of the Hopi by Jerry and Lois Jacka. Sherian has also been featured in the magazine Arizona Highways.