Victor Beck is a world-renowned Navajo artist who has created an astonishing array of contemporary, yet distinctively Southwestern jewelry. He has not only produced stunning necklaces and bracelets, but belts, buckles, and bolos as well. In fact, Victor even had the opportunity to create a beautiful gold and turquoise rosary for Pope Paul VI – a work of art that currently remains at the Vatican in Rome.
Surprisingly, Victor Beck did not always know his life path was one of jewelry-making. In 1975, while taking a required jewelry-making course for his ceramics study, Victor got a glimpse of his potential. He interned with the Museum of Northern Arizona, learning the process of metalwork. A subsequent scholarship allowed him to study more jewelry-making techniques at the State University of New York in New Paltz. Since then, Victor Beck has been a subject of many publications and has received numerous honorable awards.
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